Archive for the ‘book reviews’ Category
Book reviews: Hive minds, US foreign policy, Indian cities

Book reviews: The politics of information, horizontal management

Book reviews: Blood oil, China’s civil service

Understanding Europe’s refugee crisis

Book reviews: Challenging modernization theory, reviving Follett
In the current issue of Governance, Yi Feng reviews Dynamics Among Nations: The Evolution of Legitimacy and Development in Modern States by Hilton Root. Root “challenges a major paradigm that has guided research in political and economic development: modernization theory.” Read the review. And Edoardo Ongaro reviews Integrative Process: Follettian Thinking From Ontology to Administration by Margaret Stout and Jeannine Love. “This book is a manifesto for the relaunch of Follettian thinking . . . A valuable effort to place it firmly on the public governance and administration agenda.” Read the review. |
Book reviews: Corruption in India, China’s hunt for resources, public participation in the EU

Alvin Almendrala Camba reviews Participatory Governance in the European Union by Karl-Oskar Lindgren and Thomas Persson. “Despite its limitations, this is a fresh and timely contribution to the governance literature.” Free access to the review.
And Nafis Hasan of Azim Premji University reviews Corruption and Reform in India by Jennifer Bussell. The book is a “bold attempt to identify the reasons for the difference in quality” of computerized service centers that were supposed to reduce corruption in Indian state governments. Free access to the review.
Roundtable: What NPM accomplished in the UK