Archive for the ‘commentary’ Category
Needed: a new kind of global governance research

US civil service is in crisis, and academics are asleep at the switch

NPM after 30 years: Higher costs, more complaints

In 1980 Michael Heseltine, a key Cabinet minister in the government of Margaret Thatcher, said that “efficient management is the key to revival” of British government.
The United Kingdom was a “vanguard state” for experimentation with administrative reforms that came to be known as the New Public Management, or NPM. After three decades, what results has NPM produced in the UK? Christopher Hood and Ruth Dixon address that question in a commentary for Governance. Complaints about maladministration and judicial challenges to government action increased markedly, Hood and Dixon say, while administrative costs “rose substantially” in real terms. On the other hand, trust in government did not collapse, as many critics of NPM feared, and administrative costs did take up a smaller share of total public spending. The overall conclusion? “Government worked a bit worse and cost a bit more.” Free access to the commentary.
Related reading: In a commentary for Governance in July 2014, Jonathan Boston and Chris Eichbaum assessed thirty years of neoliberal reform in New Zealand, another “vanguard state” for NPM. Read their commentary.
How “intellectual ostriches” hurt political science

Matthew Flinders of the University of Sheffield also noted the discipline’s difficulties in a January 2014 commentary. “Political science has generally failed to fulfill its broader social responsibilities . . . It is — at least in some limited ways — to blame for ‘why we hate politics.'” Read the commentary.
How to reinvent government in Latin America and the Caribbean
“Criticism of the capacity of the state to deliver quality services has become widespread, generating cynicism and undermining trust in government,” says Carlos Santiso of the Inter-American Development Bank. In a commentary for Governance, Santiso identifies the three key steps toward improving government performance in Latin America and the Caribbean: creating “agile centers of government”; fostering a “technically competent and fiscally sustainable civil service”; and using new technologies to promote transparency. Free access to the commentary.
The challenge for Indonesia’s new president
In a commentary for the next issue of Governance, Marcus Mietzner of Australian National University looks at the results of last month’s election in Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country. Enthusiasm over the election of Joko Widodo “is already giving way to a growing realization of the protracted problems” confronting the country, Mietzner says. These include “the fight against corruption, economic reform, infrastructure development, and reduction of wasteful subsidies.” Free access to the commentary.
Also: read earlier online comments on recent elections in India and the European Union by Thomas Risse, Alexander Katsaitis, Krishna Tummala, and Rahul Mukherji.
The world is doing better than you think
Written by Governance
November 20, 2015 at 5:22 pm
Posted in commentary