Governance: An international journal of policy, administration and institutions

SOG/Governance in Istanbul, Shanghai

SOG is the IPSA Research Committee on the Structure and Organization of Government (RC27), and the academic sponsor of Governance.  SOG is organizing a set of panels for next year’s IPSA conference in Istanbul, on 23-28 July 2016.  Please email your panel proposals, including a panel title and brief abstract (250 words), before 12 July 2015 to ; and

Governance will also partner with the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, and other institutions, to organize a symposium on governance in China in October 2015.  The symposium will be held in Shanghai on October 16-17.  More details here.

Written by Governance

June 15, 2015 at 7:31 am

Posted in Uncategorized


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