Governance: An international journal of policy, administration and institutions

Book reviews: Global governance, unexpected social pacts


In the current issue of Governance, Nargiz Shakikhanova of the University of Trento reviews Who Governs the Globe?, edited by Deborah Avant, Martha Finnemore and Susan Sell.  The book “is an agent-centric analysis of a rich variety of global governors, their authority, and the relationships between them,” Shakikhanova says.  “It is a valuable and thought-provoking contribution to the field.”  Read the review.

And Ivan F. Dumka of the University of Victoria reviews Social Pacts in Europe, edited by Sabina Avdagic, Martin Rhodes and Jelle Visser.  It is a “fascinating puzzle,” Dumka says, why comprehensive social pacts between governments, labor and employers appear in countries with few of the institutional prerequisites for tripartite concertation.  This book makes “a novel empirical and theoretical contribution” by explaining when such pacts are likely to appear.  Read the review.

Written by Governance

June 24, 2013 at 5:30 pm

Posted in Current issue


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