Governance: An international journal of policy, administration and institutions

Book reviews: Egypt, India, learning

In the current issue of Governance, Ariel Ahram of the University of Oklahoma reviews Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak’s Egypt by Lisa Blaydes.  “It is difficult to pick up a book about Mubarak’s Egypt without wondering if history has surpassed it,” Ahram says.  “That is not the case with this book. . . . Overall it makes a number of valuable contributions.”  Open access to the review.

And Amita Singh of Jawaharlal Nehru University reviews two books: The Black Box of Governmental Learning by Raul Blindenbacher and Bidjan Nashat and Restoring Values: Keys to Integrity, Ethical Behaviour and Good Governance, edited by E. Sreedharan and Bharat Wakhlu.  The first provides an important message about the importance of investment in learning tools for administrators, Singh says, while the second provides insight into India’s “crumbling body politic.”  Open access to the review.

Written by governancejournal

March 15, 2012 at 9:17 pm


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